Hišni red

Da bi vam zagotovili prijetno bivanje in preprečili morebitne nesporazume, vas prosimo, da preberete hišni red nastanitve Sunflower House.

  • Ko potrdite rezervacijo, pomeni, da ste seznanjeni s pravili in se z njimi strinjate ter da se jih boste v celoti držali. Kršitev hišnega reda ima lahko za posledico odpoved rezervacije in zaračunavanje celotne cene namestitve ne glede na krajše bivanje. Želimo vas seznaniti s hišnim redom, da bo vaše bivanje v našem domu prijetno. Za vse ostale dodatne informacije nas kontaktirajte.
  • Prijava je med 16:00 in 22:00 uro po predhodnem dogovoru, odjava pa med 6:00 in 10:00 uro.
  • Gostje morajo na dan prihoda gostitelju izročiti svoje osebne dokumente (potni list ali osebna izkaznica) za namene prijave pri Turistični skupnosti. Dokumente se jim vrne v roku 24 ur.
  • Poleg nastanitve je obvezno tudi plačilo turistične takse po veljavnem ceniku.
  • Najmanj  50% nastanitve se plača po predračunu ob potrditvi rezervacije, ostanek  gotovinsko ob prihodu.
  • Avansno plačilo se ne vrne za odpovedi pod 30 dni pred načrtovano nočitvijo.
  • Po slovenski zakonodaji je kajenje v zaprtih prostorih prepovedano, zato se v hiši ne kadi!
  • Zabave v namestitvi niso dovoljene.
  • Gostitelj je gostom med bivanjem na voljo za vse informacije in pomoč, ki jo potrebujejo. V primeru kakršne koli pritožbe glede kakovosti namestitve svetujemo, da se obrnete neposredno na gostitelja.
  • Za čistočo apartmaja so odgovorni gostje. Gostitelju ni treba čistiti in pospravljati ter odnašati smeti ves čas bivanja gostov.
  • Posteljnina in brisače se zamenjajo ob prihodu.
  • Gostitelj ni odgovoren za organizacijo prostega časa gostov ali jih ni dolžan zabavati.
  • Gostje so dolžni skrbeti za svoje osebne stvari in dragocenosti, ki jih pustijo v namestitvi. Gostitelj ne odgovarja za morebitno izginotje, zato gostom svetujemo, da vedno zaprejo okna in zaklenejo vrata, ko zapustijo namestitev.
  • Lastnik nima pravice vstopa v najeto nastanitev v času odsotnosti gostov, razen za preprečitev škode ali nevarnosti, ki nastane v namestitvi, ter za potrebe vzdrževanja. V tem primeru mora lastnik goste o tem prej obvestiti. Če gostitelj domneva, da je hišni red kršen, ga morajo gostje pustiti vstopiti v namestitev, da preveri situacijo.
  • Hišni ljubljenčki v namestitvi niso dovoljeni. V kolikor gost pripelje hišnega ljubljenčka, ima gostitelj pravico odpovedati rezervacijo, nastanitev pa se vseeno plača.
  • V stanovanje ni dovoljeno vnašati orožja, vnetljivih ali eksplozivnih snovi ter izdelkov z močnim ali neprijetnim vonjem. Prav tako niso dovoljene nobene kuhalne, električne in druge naprave brez soglasja gostitelja.
  • Goste naprošamo, da skrbno ravnajo z namestitvijo in pohištvom, ki se nahaja znotraj in zunaj nje. Gostom ni dovoljeno premikanje pohištva ali prenašanje v drugo nastanitev ali ven (kuhinjskih stolov na teraso, brisač ali odej na travo…).
  • Uporaba kakršnih koli pripomočkov, ki niso vključeni v ceno namestitve je možna le v dogovoru z gostiteljem.
  • Uporaba igral na posestvu je na lastno odgovornost. Prav tako je božanje živali na lastno odgovornost- električna ograja je pod napetostjo.
  • Gostje so zavezani k racionalni rabi energije in ob odhodu iz apartmaja ne puščajo prižganih električnih naprav.
  • Ob odhodu iz nastanitve so gostje dolžni zapreti senčnike, ugasniti luči in električne naprave. Prav tako goste naprošamo, da v času, ko so zunaj, ne puščajo prižgane klimatske naprave, če ni potrebna, ter da zaprejo vrata in okna, ko je le-ta v uporabi. Prepovedano je odmetavanje odpadkov v sanitarije ali druga mesta, ki za to niso predvidena, na primer zunaj hiše ali v njeni bližini.
  • Strogo je prepovedano zadrževanje drugih oseb v namestitvi ali zunaj nje. Če je v namestitvi prisotna katera koli druga oseba, ima gostitelj pravico odpovedati rezervacijo vsem gostom.
  • Gostje, ki namenoma ali po nesreči poškodujejo nepremičnino, bodo morali gostitelju povrniti celoten znesek nastale škode.
  • Med bivanjem lahko gostje uporabljajo vse naprave v apartmaju. V primeru poloma ali manjka določenega predmeta ali naprave, je gost dolžan povrniti vrednost manjkajočega ali poškodovanega predmeta in o tem obvestiti lastnika.
  • Gostje so dolžni zapustiti namestitev v enakem stanju, kot so jo našli, urejeno in nepoškodovano, ter počiščeno.
  • Goste naprošamo, da od 22.00 do 6.00 ure ne motijo miru. Ta čas je namenjen za spanje, počitek in tišino.
  • Gostitelj lahko odpove rezervacijo gostom, ki ne spoštujejo hišnega reda. V tem primeru se gostom zaračuna celoten znesek rezervacije, ne glede na krajše bivanje.
  • Ob začetku uporabe namestitve se predpostavlja, da so gostje seznanjeni s hišnim redom in da se strinjajo z njihovimi pogoji in obveznostmi. Za morebitne težave, ki jih z gostiteljem ne moremo rešiti na kraju samem, bo potrebna intervencija policije. Pritožbe bodo upoštevane samo v primeru, da bodo prijavljene med bivanjem. Kasnejših reklamacij ne bomo upoštevali.
  • Opozorila za gašenje požarov so na hodnikih, zato vas prosimo, da jih preberete in upoštevate.
  • Če  se odločite za prekinitev rezervacije prej kot je bilo dogovorjeno, morate  plačati celotno obdobje, ki ste ga rezervirali.
  • Po uporabi SAVNE le to izklopite iz električnega omrežja.
  • Uporaba jacuzzija se dogovori 1 dan vnaprej v lepem vremenu in v sezoni (cca april-december, odvisno od vremena)
  • Ko zapustite nastanitev mora biti takšna kot ob prihodu. Odnesejo se smeti, brisače in posteljnina se zberejo na eno mesto, pospravijo se igrače, izklopijo se elektronske naprave in hiša se počisti- v nasprotnem primeru smo vam primorani zaračunati dodatno čiščenje.

To make sure that you will have a pleasant stay and to prevent any misunderstanding, please read the house rules in Sunflower House.

  • When you confirm a reservation it is implied that you are familiar and agree with them, and that you will fully adhere to them. Violation of house rules can result in the cancellation of the reservation, and charging the full amount of the price of the accommodation regardless of the shorter stay.We would like to acquaint you with house rules so that your stay in our home will be pleasant, while for all other additional information contact us anytime!
  • Check in is from 16:00 until 22:00, Check out is from 6:00 until 10:00 our
  • On the day of arrival the guests have to give to the host their identification documents (passport or ID) for the purpose of registration at the Tourist Board. The documents have to be returned to them within 24 hours.
  • Anyone staying overnight in slovenia has to pay a tourist tax, wroten in pricelist.
  • At least 50% of the accommodation is paid according to the invoice upon confirmation of the reservation, the balance in cash on the first day of arrival of the guest.
  • According to Slovenian law smoking is forbidden in closed rooms, bathrooms and all house.
  • Parties of events are not alowed in the acomodation.
  • The host is available to the guests during their stay for any information and assistance they may need. In case of any complain about the quality of the accommodation we advise to contact the host directly.
  • The guests are responsible for the cleanness of the apartment. The host is not required to clean and tidy up, or to take out the garbage during the whole stay of the clients.
  • The host will change the bed linen when you check in and then every 7 days.
  • The host is neither obliged nor responsible to organize guests' free time or to entertain them.
  • The guests are obliged to take care of their personal things and valuables left in the accommodation. The host will not be responsible in case of any disappearance, we advise then the guests to always close the doors and windows when they go out.
  • The host do not have the right to enter in the rented accommodation during the absence of the guests, except to stop damages or a danger occurring in the accommodation, and for heat maintenance. In this case they have to inform the guests about it as soon as they come back at the accommodation. If the host have any reason to believe that house rules are violated, the guests have to let them enter in the accommodation in order to check the situation.
  • Pets are not allowed. If the guest brings a pet, the host has the right to cancel the reservation, but the accommodation must still be paid for.
  • It is not allowed to bring any weapon, inflammable or explosive substances and products with strong or unpleasant smell into the apartment. As well any cooking, electrical and other appliances are not allowed without the agreement of the host.
  • The guests are kindly asked to take care of the accommodation and its furniture situated inside and outside of it. The guests are not allowed to move the furniture or to transport it to another accommodation or outside (the kitchen chairs to the terrace, towels or blankets to the grass…).
  • The use of any equipment or appliance not included in the price of the accommodation (barbecue, garage…) is possible only on agreement of the host.
  • Use of toys on the property is at your own risk. Also, petting animals is at your own risk - the electric fence is live.
  • Guests are obliged to rational energy use and to not leave any alectrical appliances on, when leaving the apartment.
  • When the guests go out of the accommodation they have the obligation to close the parasols, switch off the lights and electrical appliances, close the gas and water. As well the guests are asked while they are outside not to leave the airconditioning on if it is not necessary, and to close doors and windows while it is in use. It is forbidden to throw waste in the toilets or in any other place not predicted for this purpose like outside the house or in its vicinity.
  • It is strictly forbidden that any person other that the guests stay inside or outside the accommodation. If any other person that the one declare at the moment of the reservation are present in the accommodation, the host have the right to cancel the reservation of all the guests. Guests staying in any accommodation that does not belong to the host to not have the right to enter in their accommodation without their agreement.
  • Guests who intentionally or accidentally damage the property, will have to reimburse the host the full amount of the occurred damage.
  • During their stay, guests can use all the devices inside the apartment. In case of breakage or missing od certain items or devices in the apartment, the guest is obliged to compensate the value od missing or demaged items and to inform the owner about that.
  • The guests have the obligation to leave the accommodation in the same condition as they found it, tidy and undamaged.
  • The guests are requested not to disturb the peace of the host and other customers from 22:00 to 8:00. This time is intended for sleep, rest and silence
  • The host can put an end to the reservation of the guests who do not respect house rules. In this case the guests will be charged for the entire amount of the reservation, regardless the shorter stay.
  • When starting to use the accommodation it is assumed that the guests are familiar with the house rules and that they agree with their conditions and obligations. Any problem that cannot be solved on the spot with the host will involve the intervention of the police. Complains will be considered only if reported during the stay. Subsequent complains will not be considered.
  • Fire fighting notices are located in the hallways so please read them and abide them.
  • If you decide to terminate your reservation earlier than agreed, payment must be made for the whole period you have reserved.

We wish you a pleasant stay in our apartment.